Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dreams can come true

Today we started the day with 4 questions:

1. What frustrates you most about your life and business?
2. What would you like to accomplish this year?
3. What would it take to double your happiness
4. What have you tried? What have you not tried?

I can tell you, I love this stuff. I can't get enough of it. I remember the first time I sat and tried to articulate what I thought my purpose in life was. I was stumped. That is a pretty tough question - but it was something I had been pondering for quite some time. What AM I on this planet for? Now for some people you may ask that question, maybe throw it out there with your 30 something friends over a good glass of red, but often you go back to the normal daily grind and push the idea deep down inside. As when you ask it, you have to be prepared for what you discover. And that is not always an easy process. For some people I guess it is easy, you hear people often say "I always knew I was going to be a Doctor". But for me, I never had big illustrious dreams when I was a child - not that I can recall. I remember saying to my grandmother one day that I wanted to be a hairdresser and she asked why and I said "so I can talk to people all day". Strangely enough I ended up in a people related job. So perhaps I did know at the age of 7 that I would grow up talking to people. But what I have found over the years, it is the development and growth of people that really rocks my world. Seeing people become bigger, better, brighter human beings is inspiring.  I love seeing people realise their own potential.

You might wonder why in a yoga teacher training we are looking at life purpose, what do we want to become and what contributes to our happiness. Well, I hate to disappoint you, but we are not learning how to stand on our heads, or pop up in to handstand, but we are learning how to live a full and meaningful life. How to be our true self and to build our awareness of who we are and what we want out of life - but just as important, what are the things that prevent us from flowing, from being our highest potential. And to help others, you  need to start with your self.  So we delve into those questions you perhaps never ask yourself, or if we do we often wrap them up in a little box and pack neatly away for safe keeping - our hopes, our dreams, our fears. Our inner most thoughts that we would never dare peep a sound of for fear of what others may think, the nay sayers will shoot us down, or even worse, we will tell ourselves that it is not possible as we are not good enough, smart enough, deserving. Typical stories and patterns we fall into.
Dreams can be big and vast and scary, or beautiful and amazing and breathtaking

So being here in this supportive environment, with 9 other wonderful ladies (and a couple of guys supporting our process) we are taking the plunge into the deep unknown. The worlds which often don't touch, the inner realm where we often feel exposed and naked and open. We are going to those places. Each of us on our own journey, in different places working with different things, but ultimately uniting in connection. It is empowering and inspiring to share the space and to hear people's dreams, from the small spark of infancy to some raging fires that are already happening - all of the dreams are valid and true and very real. I am living my dream but it is now to the next phase, to kick things up a notch and get out there doing what I love - supporting people on their journey of realising their potential.  I am using this time to fine tune the visions and the ideas and the creative flow that I have experienced lately, but I am also ready to jump and launch into the great unknown. My last 18 months is proof that dreams can and do come true, so based on that faith, a little bit of knowing and whole heap of "holy shit" I am going to give it a red hot go.....Business world here I come.

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