Sunday, June 17, 2012


Nothing is possible in this life without good company.Without the support of friends and family, life is pretty lonely and also not really much fun. I have said time and time again that my trip has only confirmed what I guess I already knew - that people are what make a place truly special, that is it connection that supports you through the tough times and is there to celebrate in the good. It is something that is taught in yoga and even the Buddha himself said surround yourself with good people. So it is not really a new theory, but perhaps one of the oldest around, sangha is vital to our very existence.

My first yoga teacher training I undertook (with Body Mind Life in Sydney) I was blessed to meet 15 amazing girls. Women who have become an incredibly important part of my life - so much so that I have even spent time with 5 of them throughout my travels this past year. When we are together as a group, we all leave smiling from the inside out. It is truly special and in some way remarkable that you can put 15 girls together and find that we all get along really, really, well. We also see ourselves as lucky as it is not always the case when you get groups together, there will be people you resonate with and people you don't. It is life, it is how it works. People just operate on different frequencies - a great story to tell yourself when the pushy little girl jumps the queue at the ATM or a fellow traveller spends hours boasting over their clubbing experience in Goa - we are just resonating on very different levels is all.

I have to say, coming away this time, I was mindful that in a group of 12 there would be people I would potentially click with and others I may not. It is how things work and I could not imagine for one minute that I would ever have a group like my first teacher trainee companions, we had been told it really was quite rare.  But I feel very lucky that I have in fact struck it twice with a group of girls, that ease of company, the connection with the sangha, that our group here has got that same vibe going on. All of us different yet all of us the same, all with hopes and dreams and fears. After a glorious weekend away, filled with laughs and good times, some pretty good food and some amazing snorkelling, it does feel like a group of hand picked people you would chose to spend your time with. Not a group that really did not know each other only 2 weeks ago. It is special to see a group come together, form, make connections, and to share.
Mark is an important part of my Sangha

I am always grateful for the wonderful people that continue to come into my life (and of course the ones that stick around for awhile). Even right up to the last moments of this trip, I am blessed by amazing sangha - community. And now it is only 8 sleeps til I am home and I can connect with my sangha back home, my family, my dear friends in the north and south....there really are no words for that :) :) :) :)

PS I have not forgotten my group who I did Level 2 with (also with Mark)  2 years ago, we also had a great community going on, but we seemed to have spread out a little more. But still, an incredible bunch of people and we had 2 gorgeous men on that group so hence I am not using the comparison as the vibe is always different with boys around ;)  And I can't wait to see my fellow YC buddies soon!

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